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Sunday, January 08, 2006


The remembrance of someone or something....
a particular fragrance...a thought..a song..or a painting....
that brings back some thoughts lost somewhere within memories.....
like the sweet narration of nursery rhymes and forgotten childhood stories...

I remember....The smell of crayons in my hands..
The mud-palaces made in the sands..

The rusted chains of the swing and that attempt to reach the moon...
never did i know those days would pass-by so soon....
i often search for that silly little girl...who left me all alone...
i thought she would always be by me....but now i find her gone....
i want to collect together some things that i left behind..
in memory of those little pleasures that i will never again find,

its difficult to put in words...what it is all about...
in the attempt to see things in that utopian perspective...i shall fail beyond doubt

Its about... crying breathlessly and not knowing the value of tears..
being in a small ,simple world of your own...sans any fears..
its about..... getting hurt very easily and yet not knowing what is real pain
making paper boats that are sure to sink...and still..dancing about in the rain...
its about.........simplicity ..and a complete absence of complexity...
about ignorance and bliss...that oblivion which "should have been" unto infinity....

I remember... the little doll with big eyes....
the twinking stars high up above in the skies....

Its about... having lots of pencils and still not knowing how to write..
not knowing how words can hurt...easily forgetting the last days' fight..
its about......purity of thought ..and a warmth in the air..that can never again be found
amidst those deafening shouts... that unperturbed laughter that would resound...
its about......always being taught what is right and what is wrong..
yet knowing it better than so many others...the perfect tune of life's song...

i remember...the desire to own chalks of all colours that exist..
not caring whether dreams will ever become reality...having a long wish list.....

its about .......a me and a you...that is now no more....
its about how time changes...and waves fail to define the shore...
its about memories then....which will also soon fade away...
like broken toys .....forgotten friends....and "unmoulded" clay......

I remember......dreams left far behind...
happiness i will never again find...

Deep within...i still yearn for feel once again the rainbathed earth on which I stood,
I long for smelling the wet sand....i long to relive that bygone childhood...