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Wednesday, January 25, 2006


words have also left me all alone tonight...
I do not know what it is that i really fight..
only tears i own...they are with me...
they take away a little pain.....i can no longer see...
i know it so well...this pain that pains..
i have heard the thundering skies...mercilessly it rains...
let me fly high...never ever to return...
let me not think,yearn...dream or discern...
let me be all alone....wandering without a destination..
without direction or judgement..let me own the thoughless definition..
i will not surrender ..i will rather in arrogance meet..
the darkness that grows inner defeat...
nothing more to words to express..
no more pain to hide anguish to supress..
i have met and known them all...pain...darkness and fears...
i have seen how reality dissolves those incessant tears...
i plead you to send them all away...for a while let me rest...
this fear that kills my dreams....this is my submission to its conquest....