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Sunday, January 22, 2006


"..I leave my prayers to him alone,
whose will is wiser than my own."

hold my hand that i do not fall down as i walk
hear me speak when i do not have the words to talk..
do not crush the fallen leaves under your feet...
be with me always...until we shall finally meet...
tell me where do i go..and why...
i fail to understand it all...though i often try..
i do not know the beginning and the end to it all...
that sinking feeling in my i fall....
the darkness which surrounds me...from outside and within..
the inner silence that echoes in my ears...despite the outside din...
dissolve them together...darkness and light..
indistinguishable now...the bleak and the bright...
the sad smile...laughter and pain...
tears flowing....the rhythm of rain...
the "nothingness" in everything..
the meaning in something...
the sharp bend i cannot see...
moments along the way which haunt me...
in definitions i do not know...
in thoughts that were lost somewhere in the flow...
in what i can perceive and what i cannot see...
in right and every moment....."be with me"....